Begin by filling out the CONTACT page or by emailing, texting or calling Terry to see if he's available on your wedding day. It all starts with the Date, the Location and the Time. The next step is to set up a Wedding Inquiry Appointment via Zoom, or FaceTime or a phone call - this meeting is free. The purpose of the meeting is to answer any questions you may have and to see if Terry would be a good fit for you and your fiance. Next, you can book Terry by giving a $100 deposit to hold your wedding date. This can be done via Venmo or Zelle. After payment, you will receive a contract and resources to help you with your ceremony, and we will schedule your next appointment with Pastor Terry. Click here to CONTACT me.

We offer 3 options to choose from depending on the couple's needs. The 3 packages include a Ruby package, Emerald and Diamond packages. I offer premarital counseling in the later two packages. I'm not the lowest priced officiant out there nor am I the highest - I am  somewhere in the middle. I believe that booking a wedding officiant is an investment in your relationship. Click here for PACKAGES.

Yes, I highly recommend it for couples, however, I don't make it mandatory to marry a couple. Premarital counseling helps to prepare couples for the ups and downs of marriage. I personally think it provides for a better wedding ceremony as we get to know each couple that we counsel, which helps us personalize the ceremony even more. Having a degree in Psychology and over 20 years as a local church pastor, I've seen and heard all the issues that often attack even the healthiest of marriages. Pre-marriage coaching is preventive medicine. Getting married is exciting, fun and hopeful. Being married is always the challenge but even more rewarding. Click here for more info about PREMARITAL COUNSELING.

Yes, my ministerial credentials are recognized by every state in the country as I am an ordained minister and licensed since 1996. Each state has a reciprocal agreement when the proper paperwork is completed. I work with couples from many different Faith traditions and enjoy learning from each, but we have to make sure your marriage is legally recognized in the state where you live. Ordination is a church/clergy recognition while Licensing is a state/government recognition. You'll need help with your marriage license and I can give you up-to-date legal advice and verify your marriage license is indeed legal. I can only officiate legal marriages.

I started Wedding Pastor Terry for couples who don’t attend church on a regular basis and who don’t know a minister personally. These couples are usually very SPIRITUAL but not necessarily religious and are not a member of any organized religion or part of any particular church. I have a passion for performing weddings and helping couples launch healthy marriages. I really enjoy getting to know couples and helping them craft incredible wedding ceremonies that are enjoyable, meaningful and memorable. I have some skilled associate pastors who work with me. I have the privilege of working with some of the most brilliant couples I’ve ever met.

Yes, I provide an introduction to the elements of a wedding ceremony, eBooks with samples for vows, readings, and the ring exchange, and a couples questionnaire to get to know your story and personalize the ceremony.I also provide you with a ceremony planning guide to organize your ideas and then we meet with you to get all of the elements in the right place, resulting in a customized manuscript. Lastly, I guide you through the wedding process from start to finish, from the planning, to the actual ceremony, to the signing and filing of your marriage license and making your marriage official. 


How Much do your services cost?

do you offer premarital counseling?

are you an ordained minister?

why did you start wedding pastor TERRY?

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We are so glad you stopped by! Allow us to get to know you by filling out the form below. We can't wait to get started! 

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- aNNA & JOE

Terry was the best officiant we could have asked for! He had great ideas for the ceremony and worked closely with us to make it as personal as we wanted. Our friends and family told us that it seemed like Terry had known us for years. Terry was always on time and always a source of stress-free planning. His ceremony presentation was personal, emotional, and funny when needed. We can't thank Terry enough for contributing to our perfect wedding day!


- Renee & Lee

Wedding Pastor Terry conducted our pre-marital counseling, rehearsal, and wedding ceremony. We couldn't have asked for better! Not only was he punctual, professional, and knowledgeable, but also courteous, kind, and quite well spoken. He made the ceremony a unique experience for us, as well as our guests. We cannot thank him enough for everything he did  for us!

& KIND."

- jeanne & ricky

Ricky and I are so pleased with every detail of our wedding performed by Dr. Terry Fields. He made planning our wedding so easy down to the last detail. Since we did a destination wedding and were planning from another state, Terry helped us in obtaining our marriage license. Thanks you Dr. Fields for making our day special!

"pleased with
every detail."



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